Wichita County Democrats

Wichita County Democratic Party

Who Represents Me?
United States Senator John Coryn
Washington DC 202-224-2934
North Texas District Office 972-239-1310
https://coryn.senator.gov/contact-john-cornyn (Share Your Opinion)
United States Senator Ted Cruz
Washington DC 202-224-5922
North Texas Office 214-599-8749
Email: north_texas@cruz.senate.com
https://cruz.senator.gov/contact (Write to Ted)
U.S. House of Representatives (TX-13)
Congressman Ronny Jackson
Washington DC 202-225-3706
Wichita Falls 940-285-8000
Fax: 202-225-3486
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
Information, Referral and
Opinion Hotline: 800-463-1782
Web: https://gov.texas.gov
Texas State Senator
Brent Hagenbuch District 30
Austin 512-463-0130
Web: https://senate.texas.gov/member.php?d=30
Texas State Representative
James Frank District 69
Austin 512-463-0534
Wichita Falls 940-767-1700
Email: james.frank@house.texas.gov
Wichita County Commissioners Court and County Judge
Web: https://wichitacountytx.com/locations/comm-court
Jim Johnson, County Judge Email Jim.Johnson@co.wichita.tx.us
Mark Beauchamp, Comm. Pct.1
Mickey Fincannon, Comm. Pct.2
Barry Mahler, Comm. Pct.3
Jeff Watts, Comm Pct.4
Individual emails are on website
900 7th St, Room 260
Wichita Falls TX 76301
Phone 940-766-8106
City of Wichita Falls Mayor and City Counselors
Mayor of Wichita Falls – Tim Short
Email: tim.short@wichitafallstx.gov
Phone 940-761-7404 or 940-761-7409
Fax 940-761-8833
PO Box 1431
Wichita Falls TX 76307
Wichita Falls City Councilors – click on name of councilor to send message